Labor doesn’t have to hurt

Pain is a signal in your nervous system that something may be wrong, it is a response to our body being in danger. Labor is not pain, labor is intense and uncomfortable but our body is not in danger, it is doing exactly what it was built to do.

We as doulas often hear people say they need pain medication during labor because they have a “low pain tolerance”. Labor has very little to do with tolerance and so much more to do with mindset. If right now you start changing your mindset around pain and labor I can almost guarantee you will be able to give birth with no pain medications!

Now don’t get me wrong, labor is INTENSE! The contractions can get extremely uncomfortable and it will probably be the most difficult thing you will ever experience, BUT you can do it! 

Here are a few things that can help get you through labor and make it a more enjoyable and beautiful experience for you! 


Using water during labor whether it is in a birth tub, bath tub or just in the shower can be extremely beneficial. Being in water can help distract your mind from the contractions because you are feeling a different sensation to focus on, it will also help you relax and rest in between contractions. Water can also shorten your labor and decrease the chance of episiotomy.

Tens unit 

A tens unit is a small battery operated device that delivers a low electric current to your muscles and reduces the intensity of contractions. This is often used on your back and cannot be used in or around water.  

Physical touch 

This can be hip squeezes, massage or even just squeezing someone’s hands. Hip squeezes help open the pelvis making room for baby to come down. Touch can help distract you from the contractions giving you something else to focus on. It also can increase oxytocin which is the most important hormone for labor to continue to progress.

Hypnosis/meditation tracks 

Using hypnosis or meditation tracks will help you get into a state of deep and focused concentration where your mind and body are able to relax together. There are many different types of hypnosis or meditation tracks and classes you can choose from but in order for this method to work you need to practice before labor begins.

You can use all of these during you labor or just stick to one. It is great to have many different tools in your tool box because you never know what may work best for you during labor!


Don’t be a people pleaser


Marlea’s Miscarriage